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Medicine & Magic in our Kitchens

     This course is a six-week exploration into twenty-two kitchen spices, some able to grow in this region & some that travel long distances. Questions we will delve into during this course include: how & where do these plants grow, how are they harvested, what is their history, how have they come to travel the world, & how are they called upon medicinally & magically?

     Medicine & Magic in our Kitchens is a chance to explore one’s own food & plant ancestry,
as well as elements & tools of the kitchen.

We will co-create herbal/magical recipes with these kitchen allies each class.


     Each person will choose a kitchen herbal ally to deepen with through this course, offering a small homage to this ally during the last class possibly through written words, recipes, song, poetry...



Six Thursday eves at Selkie’s Pearl, 19 Main St., Belfast 6-8:15 pm, the last class will be from 6-8:30 pm

June 27//July 18//August 1, 15 & 29/ Sept 5

There are seven openings for this class.
Sliding scale $180-240, payment plans are available.
10% of the class payments will be donated to the Belfast Soup Kitchen.

Questions & to register: email moonofhyldemoer. com

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