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Herbs of the Ones who Walk the Hedge

Herbs of those who walk along the Hedge

    Ah, the Hedge Walker, the Hedge Witch, the Hag of the periphery,

the one who lives along the edge, who is in kinship with the plants,

the healing verdant ones & continues this intimate deepening throughout their lives.

      Who are some of the plant allies this liminal space holder calls upon & what are some traditional magics, folk medicines, story, song, recipes these beings hold? What do we discover ourselves with the guidance of the plants who reside here?

       We will delve with three herbs each class, share in herbal teas of many of these beings as well as create magically & herbally together each class.


The herbs to be honored include: 

 June 29: Our Lady's Mantle, Rose, Potentilla

 July 13: Brambles, St. Joan, Yarrow 

 July 27: Mullein, Blue Vervain, Ox-Eye Daisy

 August 10: Hyssop, Agrimony, Purple Loosestrife

 August 17: Mugwort, Wormwood, Sweet Melilot

 August 31: Sumac, Mountain Ash, Autumn Olive

 September 7: Walnut, Bittersweet Nightshade, Thistle

 September 14: Angelica, Elecampane, Yellow Dock


   Classes will be held at Selkie's Pearl in downtown Belfast,

for eight Thursday eves, June-September, 6-8 pm. 

There are seven openings for this course.


        Sliding Scale $220-360, ideas of trade/barter are welcomed.

Please contact me if one is currently walking with financial concerns.

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