White Gourd
White Gourd performs the Justice Card
Amaza, Santiago, Chile, 2023,, filmed by Paola Santander
Current 2024 White Gourd Shows
March 18, Apohadion Theater
Portland, ME w/Harpy, Water Through Stone, KOVVNS
June 17, Apohadion Theater
Portalnd, ME w/Matchess with Lula Asplund, Rev.web & Pray Foam
June 29, Foxes Den
Warren, ME w/Matchess with Lula Asplund
September 20, Lump Gallery
Raleigh, NC: Equinox celebration featuring Cornelius Van Strafin III, Kelli Francis Corrado, White Gourd, and Marta Núñez Pouzols & Chanelle Allesandre
September 30, Apohodian Theater
Portland, ME w/Northern Liberties...
For more of White Gourd:
"White Gourd’s Suzanne Stone makes ritual performance art combining disjointed sounds, left field avant sax freak outs, and machete wielding incantations, to command her audience in her conceptual tarot pieces, which bring to life deep rooted cosmological convictions."- Matthew Henderson, M.A.S.S. organizer/Xhurch/NTVTY
White Gourd, the solo performance work of Suzanne Belle Stone, explores the depths of the tarot as metaphorical exploration in the form of music performances collaborating with gong, saxophone, machetes, bass, keys, bells, drums... Accompanied with a full visual installation, and ritual costume, the presence of each performance has a completely different effect with the chosen card for the evening or tour. She is also well known for her involvement as vocalist & saxophonist in the experimental ensemble Million Brazilians.