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The Poetry of Exchange

      A chance to work together in the garden,

            sea air mingling with the scent of who is currently blooming,

 to exchange assistance in the garden with co-creating herbal medicine to bring home.
     A sort of apprenticeship, an honoring of each one's knowledge as well as the timeliness of the seasonal herbal allies.
       Being & beholding the Spring-Autumn seasons with the combination of sharing in garden work & herbal medicine co-creating.

   Saturdays from 9 am to noon we will gather at Rohege in Belfast.

     Beginning with a poem, the first two hours, from 9-11 am,
we will work together in the garden of Rohege, tending that which needs care, learning as we go. The gardening ways I have been working with for the last two decades or so, fall into the categories of organic, biodynamic, permaculture
& most importantly deep listening, experiential & intuitive ways.
      The garden work will be customized to abilities & experience, there is always some way to participate.
     Transitioning into our last hour together with another poem,
from 11 am -noon, we will co-create an herbal medicine with the herbal allies of the moment, asking & offering for their gifts.
Each participant will bring home this
co-created herbal medicine, thus over the season building or adding to a personal herbal apothecary. Herbal medicine making supplies will be offered as well as folks can bring their own.
The Saturday mornings are as follows, dates could be subject to change:
May 11, June 8 & 15, July 6 & 20, August 17 & 31, September 7 & 28.

Herbal co-creations will include: herbal vinegars, syrups, tinctures, oxymels, flower essences, tea blends, incenses, fire cider & bitters.

Items to bring can include: water bottle, snacks, sunhat, sunscreen, tick & mosquito spray, your favorite gardening tool(s) & gloves, comfortable work clothes & shoes, kneeling pad, notebook & writing utensil... There will be chances to fill up water bottles as well as delicious suntea offered each time we meet.

For questions or to RSVP, contact
Also come as you feel called, even if you have not contacted me, as I will be in the garden regardless (unless there is pouring rain, when the garden wishes to soak in the nourishment on their own).

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